The Glorious Palestine Sunbird

The Glorious Palestine Sunbird

The males are incredibly colorful, with their feathers sparkling in blue-green hues in the sunlight (females are grey). They are tiny birds, very quick, so usually not very easy to get into the frame.

What I like about this photo? The composition is good, with the bird in good location. The background is blurred (I used the most open aperture my lens supports at this focal length - f/6.3). The colors are stunning (but that's hardly my doing :) ). There are lots of details in the feathers, showing off the full beauty of this bird.

What would I want to improve? The background is somewhat noisy. A more open aperture (which unfortunately wasn't an option with my equipment) might have blurred that out more. That's also achievable using post-processing, but that would actually detract from the real-life nature of the photo and bring it more into the artistic landscape.